a beginner's photo diary

9 Nov 2005

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Today was just one of those days... I guess I should warn you; if you don't know kent, you will probably not have a clue of what this is all about.

It all started this morning when I was reading today's paper and saw this article.

And when I went to get my camera, this was the time!

Then when I came home from work, I logged on to susnet to check this blog's statistics for today, and I see this...

...while this CD was playing, and guess what song *lol*

I've been listening to this album for the last two days, and I must say that no matter how much I like D&JD, it will just never get as good as it used to be. In any way.

Btw, now it is official! Why do they always release tickets on Monday mornings? How am I to get a ticket if I have to be at work?! I'm not going through the same thing as with the DM tickets again, I'll have to think of something!

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