a beginner's photo diary

1 Nov 2005

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This is basicly what I've learned in this training - but of course there is much more to it!

Our inspiring teachers! If I can start to implement even half of what I learned these two days, I'll be a more complete person!

And here is our group. Some of them I knew from before, but I also met some interesting new colleagues that I look forward to getting to know better in the future.

The traffic was so bad on the way back to Schiphol - it took 1 hour to get to the hotel on Sunday evening, but nearly 2,5 hours to get back! I had to run to make it to check-in, and I'm afraid some of my colleagues were not as lucky as I!

Was I happy to see this?! Spending the night at Schiphol did not sound very tempting at the time...

Bye bye Holland!

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