a beginner's photo diary

30 Oct 2005

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Back in Holland again, for a two day training. The conference place I'm staying at is quite nice, I've been here once before. This time I've only so far seen it in the dark though, so I don't know yet what it looks like in the autumn.

My somewhat boring home for the next couple of days. But at least I have a broadband connection, always something!

Luckily I've brought a friend (one that would fit in my purse...)! What would you do without music?

2 Responses to “30 Oct 2005”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Vi har bredband och en massa musik hemma hjärtat. Så varför ska det vara bra för att åka iväg? Med mig behöver du inte förhandla, du får ändå alltid som du vill :)

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    You had a visitor!! :)

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