a beginner's photo diary

6 Nov 2005

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Today I've had my blog for 1 year! Happy birthday!

As promised, here are the pictures from yesterday's Halloween bash.

The hosts of the evening. Don't we look lovely together?

A brought dry ice to spice up the drinks a bit. It's good to have friends working at a lab =)

My living room is full of monsters!

G and Sis. Looking creepy...

A is taking a bite off Rufus. No wonder he's feeling poorly!

The new Adams family? We're thinking of making this this year's Christmas card =)

My personal favourite costume. The chain saw just did the trick! I believe E was quite happy with it himself too. And of course everyone wanted to try it.

But we made everyone vote for their favourite and the winner turned out to be my brother J, to the left here. My other brother T was devastated, since it took him 2.5 hours to put on his make up, and it took J about 10 minutes! Also he hates losing to his brother...

2 Responses to “6 Nov 2005”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Ha den äran!
    En bra sida har det här blivit. Sedan att jag dyker upp överallt gör inte saken sämre. En rolig fest var det med. Tror att det kan bli en ny tradition.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Hi there,

    to me it seems like you had a terrific evening! It's a pity we couldn't come. We spent the weekend with my brother and his family - wery fun and very intense.

    Right now I'm sitting waiting for my poster for the Neuroscience meeting to come out of that huge printer, hopefully in an appropriate manner. Tthink I browse your nice blog meanwhile!

    See you,


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