a beginner's photo diary

21 Nov 2005

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This morning I got up at 5 am to queue for tickets for the Robbie Williams concert next summer. I know, he's a "mainstream" guy, but I think it will be a fantastic show! I'll try to get as close as possible... ;-) And from the near disaster with the DM tickets I promised myself to bite the sour apple and line up for any major events I want to go to from now on.

J is reading today's paper that we nicked from the nearby McD. You need something to entertain you while standing still for 3.5 hrs in temperatures below 0 C!

The sun is rising and we are still alive! And the spirit is still high it seems.

Quite a few people had joined us too.

Happy happy ticket owners! It turned out later today that they released tickets for a secret, second concert at 12.30. But who wants to go to the second concert? ;-)

Remember to check out my Strasse pics posted yesterday!

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