a beginner's photo diary

13 Nov 2005

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I must say we had a pretty good weekend this week. Sunday turned out to be a busy day; we started with cleaning and going to the gym.

G insisted on saving the pumpkin from last weekend to take a picture of it when it was far past its best-of date... I finally made him throw it out.

We had a short notice, but very welcome!, invitation to have waffles at A's, together with J&E. Delicious! I loved the waffle iron tha A had inherited from her grandmother.

Then it was time for the only planned activity; Black Rebel Motorcycle Club live at Sticky Fingers!

I've really missed going to live concerts, we've had far too little of that lately. And I love this kind of rock n' roll! I must say though that I definitely prefer their first album to the last one. To quote themselves - "Whatever happened to my rock n' roll?" But I do admire them for having the guts to do something so completely different.

G got to take some nice concert pics. Unfortunately his camera broke down and has gone on a 3-week vacation now...

My pictures are not as good as his (could it have something to do with the equipment?) but at least I could have some fun with them learning new tricks in PS =)

This guy was hard to catch on film! He was also moaning all night since the club wouldn't let them play as loud as they wanted. What I remember from the time we heard them at Roskilde Festival, they normally play much louder than this time!

I'm not sure about the idea of having concerts on Sundays. The crowd wasn't very good, probably because people didn't drink so much. I never get drunk when I go to see a band play, but I can have a good time anyway, and also make it show! Some people seemed to have a problem doing that this evening...

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