a beginner's photo diary

10 Nov 2005

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This used to be a lock and a handle. Someone broke into my car last night! The f*¤%&%¤&%g bastards! And all they got were a bunch of burned CDs and some parking money (apparantly they were too stupid to understand that G's Oakley sunglasses once were expensive...) Of course I didn't keep original CDs in the car (except maybe one or so) but we had lots of compilation CDs that are not worth anything but still mean a lot to me! Also it makes you feel small when someone intrudes on your property like that. And I had to spend half my day calling the police, insurance company, mechanics etc. Don't you dare come near my car again!


1 Responses to “10 Nov 2005”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 


    En ersättnings-samlingsskiva är på väg som plåster på såren :-)

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