a beginner's photo diary

12 Nov 2005

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Happy birthday Dad! Hope you are having a great time in Brazil!

Today eterisk wanted to go on a photo expedition in spite of the bad weather, so I went with him as assistant =) I also took a few pics myself. We went to a nature reserve by the sea south of Gothenburg. It was very windy!

On arriving there we met some surfers who were just about to leave with their boards on top of their car. I can understand why they had come there, seeing the waves roll on to the shore and the water splashing up.

See what I mean?

They are still clearing the woods after the storm Gudrun in January. Seeing what it did to the landscape on the west coast, which was not one of the places it hit hardest, I can only imagine what it must look like down in Småland!

On the way back we stopped by a friend from work. It was G's first time to meet her new baby (now 4 months old). No pictures from there though.

One of my favourite things about this season; you can light as many candles as you want!

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