a beginner's photo diary

11 Nov 2005

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We celebrated the start of the weekend with after work at rumpanbar together with J&E. I usually think Fridays are terrible for going out since I'm always so tired, but after work is just a perfect concept! Cheap beer and free dinner, what more can you ask for? The only bad thing was that I lost my umbrella, but I needed to get a new one anyway... Umbrellas don't last long in Gothenburg!

On the way home we passed by the best candy store in town. Bad idea...

Santa was there to visit too! G took the chance to make a wish for Christmas. I can't believe we're almost there...!

It's not far to walk home from the bar, but as we live on top of the highest hill it is quite exhausting. We had to stop to take som photos half way up.

Now it's 10 pm and I'm ready for bed! Sleep tight everyone!

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