a beginner's photo diary

20 Nov 2005

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Since I don't have any new pics from today, here are the photos from the Strasse gig as promised.

The two remaining original members: Max Abby (who actually played with Ultravox) and Ruzz. Lovely 80's names (no offense!) =)

Somewhat younger member Charlie (also working with Lustans Lakejer).

"What, can't I smoke here?" (How can you not have noticed there is a smoking ban in Swedish clubs etc. nowadays?)

If you don't have a strap to hold your guitar, why not get someone from the audience get a big chair for you!?

This is the real reason why I was at this gig - Ken Sandin. He's the brother of a guy from work, and Ken works for us from time to time as well. Check out his biography! I couldn't decide which of these post-processings I like the best, so I'll give you both =)

Altogether it was an excellent gig! It is in a way so much more inspiring with smaller gigs like this where you are literally in the band's face! I can't help thinking how much better my pics would have turned out with a new camera though... ;-)

1 Responses to “20 Nov 2005”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Great review and great photos! As you wrote, it's always nice being in the "band's face"...

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