a beginner's photo diary

19 Nov 2005

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Our pond is freezing! Maybe this year I'll try some ice skating?

Today we went for a walk by the sea, to enjoy the lovely weather. I had another motive though; this weekend we have a competition at work, using pedometers. The team that walked the longest distance wins! So of course I have to work on my contribution (especially since I am one of the organisers...) Today I walked over 13000 steps, which is really good!

On a day like this anyone can take good pictures... Everything is just beautiful!

I should give credit to eterisk for this since he was giving me instructions =)

There was no wind at all, so the water was very still. It almost looks as if taking a swim would be quite nice, don't you think? But I doubt it very much!

We met a very cuddly cat on the way! G found a new friend.

Probably my favourite picture from today. I have no idea what those berries are, but they look adorable!

1 Responses to “19 Nov 2005”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    wonderful - 5 pics a day - I wish i could be so free n had a nice cam to click. i can barely click a pic per day - hugely, i rely on my archived ones which i clicked long ago.. keep clicking :)

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