a beginner's photo diary

16 Nov 2005

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I have a "new" car. Since someone molested my car last week, I now have a rental car while it's being fixed. This morning I came out and couldn't believe my eyes; was that snow? It's been so warm lately that you tend to forget it's mid-November already. It turned out it wasn't real snow, more like rain that had frozen on all the cars. I had to hack my way in.

I feel a sudden urge to get myself a new camera. Not that there is anything wrong with the one I've got, but I want something that feels more like a "real" camera. I'm thinking of a Fujifilm Finepix S5600, but I'm not sure. Also, I don't think this is where I should be putting my money right now. Any suggestions?

eterisk thinks he should get a new camera so I can take his. Not my favourite choice though, for many reasons =)

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