a beginner's photo diary

14 Nov 2005

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My department at work went out to dinner after a long day of meetings. I find it difficult to take good pictures of people; I want to do it without them noticing but still have good portraits. Also I don't like to use the flash, especially not the one on my camera.

I discovered I have a fellow photographer at work; you can see her camera in the right corner. Of course it's a bit more advanced than my Ixus 400... Not to mention my boss' camera, but then I guess he can afford it =)

We went to a libanese restaurant where you get served all kinds of small dishes; these are the warm ones. Delicious!

I guess taking pictures of food is not that exciting, but this just makes my mouth water =)

This at first looked more like an aquarium than a cup of tea, but it was very refreshing and actually quite tasty! For those who don't have this every day - it's mint tea.

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