a beginner's photo diary

18 Nov 2005

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This rose outside our house is flowering again, since we've had an unusally warm autumn. I haven't noticed it before, but this morning it was covered with frost. It looked very beautiful but I feel sorry for the poor thing being tricked like that...

After studying all of G's photo magazines, I've changed my mind about what camera I want to buy. Now my heart longs for a Canon Powershot S2 IS! But I still think it is much too expensive... Can someone tell Santa I've been extremely nice this year...?

Tonight I watched Moulin Rouge while G was studying. I can honestly say it is one of the most beautiful movies I know, in many ways. The filming is stunning, the feelings captured truely genuine and the music is witty when appropriate but very sensitive throughout the movie. The Roxanne scene is breathtaking and the scene where they convince the Duke to invest in their theatre fantastically funny. It makes me laugh and it makes me cry. Definitely a favourite, believe it or not!

1 Responses to “18 Nov 2005”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Moulin Rouge is up there on the best movies ever top 20.

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