a beginner's photo diary

18 Dec 2005

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Happy birthday to me!

I found some pictures of me making knäck yesterday, taken by eterisk.

This is what they look like when they're done.

Since everyone was so busy this weekend, my whole family (8 people in total) went out for dinner to celebrate my birthday today. Then I went to watch the traditional variety show at my old school (upper secondary / High school) where my sister is now in the 2nd year. She was part of the band and did great =)

Don't you just love these Santas?

Watching the show and being back on the premises brought back many happy memories. Making the variety show was such great fun (it's all about making as much fun as possible of the 1st and 3rd year students...) and I really loved the three years I spent at this school, even if it was hard work!

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