a beginner's photo diary

11 Dec 2005

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Today I had some friends over for an early Birthday party combined with Christmas preparations ("Julpyssel", I couldn't find a suitable translation for that...). We made little heart baskets to decorate the Tree, and everyone (?) thought it was a lot of fun since we had not tried this since primary school...

We also baked the ginger snaps that I prepared for yesterday. It turned out to be a lot of snaps!

Someone is making a BIG heart! Maybe to decorate a window?

Look how beautiful they turned out! Unfortunately no one wanted to bring any with them home, so now I have a big can full of cookies... Luckily I will have a lot of people over next weekend, so at least I know what to offer them! =)

Last but definitely not least (but for in quantity) we made Baileys candy! Very sticky work, but unbelievably tasty in the end!

G quickly took command over the making of these. A is assisting with the tricky bits.

Now does this look professional or what?!

1 Responses to “11 Dec 2005”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Vilka mysiga godis närbilder!!!

    Tack för myspys-kväll!

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