a beginner's photo diary

9 Dec 2005

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Today we were allowed back to work (see yesterday's post). This is the view from one of our windows, so you can see how close we were to the mine! At this moment it was kept under water right by the two military boats you can see in the middle.

During the 10 o'clock coffee break we had a perfect view of the transport out to sea, where they would blow it up.

I'm not too jealous of these guys... But they said it was safe so I guess it was ok. Btw, it turned out the mine was actually from 1918, so from World War I, not II!

They dragged it behind the boat (there were other military, police and coast guard boats escorting them) out to sea where it was eventually blown to pieces. Bye bye mine!

And the office view is back to normal again...

Today is 9 Dec, "The Anna day". Have you remembered to soak the lutfisk? ;-)

1 Responses to “9 Dec 2005”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Well...that makes for an interesting day, shall we say? :-)

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