a beginner's photo diary

6 Dec 2005

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The time has come for the event of the year (?!) - The Company Christmas Party! This year the theme was Glamour. Lots of glitter and feather boas!

And of course, true Gentlemen!

My escorts of the evening. I love the hat! And the tux was ok too =)

But this truely was the best hat ever! Or at least the cuddliest...

Don't worry, I was enjoying myself very much even if I look terrified... There were "Party poppers" all over the table that people kept shooting off, and I don't like loud bangs!

As usual there was a lot of singing and dancing, and we even had our own Academy award! The indoor firework wouldn't work though...

A good party needs celebrities. Bubbles came to sing and dance for us! Not the fanciest stage they ever saw I can imagine, but still a lot of fun.

Last but not least - what better way finish than with fireworks? And these did work =)

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