a beginner's photo diary

8 Dec 2005

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Today I have had the most unusual experience. I was awoken by the radio news this morning announcing that a mine from World War II had been pulled up by a fishing boat and brought into the harbour of Gothenburg - literally to the door step of my office! Everything within 1.1 km of the site was closed off, so no work for me today! You can read more about it here.

Since I couldn't work I decided to go to a Canon demonstration in a nearby photo shop to check out my new love. After actually having tried it (not just read about it) I am fully convinced this will be mine within the next month! It is exactly what I'm looking for! Of course the sales person had to demonstrate his fancy "pocket-sized" printer too - so I got some collector's cards to hand out to friends and family =)

The second pair in my new collection. I think I have enough lace now, what I need next is something warmer! But it seems hard to find, so if I get desperate enough I'll even try to knit them myself...

Today I reached the most magical number of all on the visitors counter. It truely was a good day! =)

1 Responses to “8 Dec 2005”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    you're not going to believe this - Madeleine got those same gloves from Santa!

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