a beginner's photo diary

10 Dec 2005

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I'm not much of a kitchen housewife, but I usually bake once a year - to make lussekatter. This year I had to use a different recipe though, since I couldn't find my old one, and I'm not as pleased with the result.

This is how they turned out; they're ok I guess.

Tomorrow I'm having some friends over to make ginger snaps and other little things for Christmas. I prepared the dough today, since it needs to rest over night.

Today was the Nobel day, the day when the Nobel festivities are held and the awardshanded over by His Majesty the King. But the only thing everyone cares about is what dresses the royal family wear =)

1 Responses to “10 Dec 2005”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Those look absolutely delicious! Too bad I can't reach into my screen and take just one!!

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