a beginner's photo diary

11 Mar 2006

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Finally back home again! It's been a very long week... I kind of wish the snow would go away now though.

Since I have hardly seen the sun lately G and I went out for a walk. It was absolutely freezing! Not only well below zero, but also quite windy. We fled inside some shops, which turned out to be expensive. I don't know what's gotten to me lately, in the last week I probably spent my usual yearly shopping budget or so!

Home sweet home =)

Tonight one of the Swedish semi-finals for the Eurovision Song Contest takes place here in Gothenburg. I'm not going to watch it though.

Instead I kicked G's ass playing Upwords!

1 Responses to “11 Mar 2006”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    wow- each one was a marvel to me.. nice captures :)

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