a beginner's photo diary

16 Feb 2005

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...for the volcano pizza to be ready!

5 Responses to “16 Feb 2005”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    It was good.. and you ate the volcano!

    You will pop someday.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I'm still smiling. A very smirky set. I will have to search for more info on this volcano pizza buisness it looks very interesting :-)

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    whats a volcano pizza - never heard of such a thing before..

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I have a secret recipe ;-) No really, the volcano thing was completely unintentional... I don't know what happened, but it looked funny!

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 


    Vi åt hemmagjord pizza igår men fick inte till den där vulkangrejen:)

    Länge sedan ni var på helgon, ni missar ju allt det roliga;)

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