a beginner's photo diary

12 Feb 2006

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We have finally finished with The Project! It's like we have an entirely new room, I'm so pleased. If you're not one of my regulars, check out what it looked like before.

I've passed this house many times and I just can't understand why they haven't torn it down a long time ago. It's ugly and takes up space from where a nice, new house could stand!

We had to get out to get some fresh air and passed this statue. Eterisk spotted it first, so he got to take all the good pictures. You can take a look at some of them here over the next couple of days. I got one from a different angle though, that I kind of like.

1 Responses to “12 Feb 2006”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    finally - task accomplished..
    the house n the angle in the last one - both make a nice shot !
    nice :)

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