a beginner's photo diary

21 Jan 2006

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Today we watched Chalmers Big Jump Open, a cool snowboard and skiing event that takes place at Chalmers each year, right next to where we live! You can see our house in the background.

Personally I prefer to watch snowboard jumps, but the skiers did great too. I haven't been skiing for 8 years, I would probably break every bone in my body if I tried something like this!

Apparantly this was the boyfriend of a friend from work! They are also our neighbours, so he probably had the shortest distance to travel this morning...

Landing still standing up is obviously the trickiest part of this sport. A lot of jumps ended up with a big cloud of smoky snow.

2 Responses to “21 Jan 2006”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    That looks like a great way to spend an afternoon. I'd break my legs if I tried any of this!

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    wow - "acccction" - i would've loved to try this :)
    nice captures btw !

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