a beginner's photo diary

19 Jan 2006

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I've been on a business trip to Barcelona. I stayed less than 24 hrs, so as usual all I saw was the hotel, the local office and the airport! I know I shouldn't complain since a lot of people never get to travel, but business trips are really not as glamourous as they sound... But it was nice to see the sun and feel the warm breeze. 16 C and not a cloud, I felt as if I had been travelling in time!

That beach looks nice, I'll have to check it out next time =)

Flying over the Pyrenees.

At least you get to see some cool sunsets while flying!

People in motion at Schiphol Airport. I love the floors here! Schiphol has become really nice lately, you almost don't mind being stuck here for a couple of hours... I generally like airports and thinking about all those people travelling somewhere. Where are they all going and what have they seen so far?

This was what awaited me back home. -8 C and a snowy wind... what a contrast! I wouldn't have mind a few more days in Barcelona... I'm sorry the shot is a bit blurry but I was freezing!

1 Responses to “19 Jan 2006”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    BEAUTIFUL photos! Yeah, business travel can sometimes really suck.

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