a beginner's photo diary

14 Jan 2006

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We spent most of today at different stores, looking for boring but necessary things for our home. After that we went for a walk to get some air and try out my camera a bit more.

This is a building at Chalmers. It reminds me of the elephant in "Fem myror är fler än fyra elefanter", a kids TV-show from the 70's that have been teaching kids to read and count ever since. The title translates as "Five ants are more than four elephants". Brilliant!

Who would have thought there is a manor in the middle of the campus?
Looks kind of spooky, don't you think?

4 Responses to “14 Jan 2006”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I'm glad you translated that because it's great! And you're right...that manor does look kinda spooky. Especially if you had to live in it alone...

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    doesn't look like a night shot - i guess its the magic of your new cam :)
    is clear n crisp..

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 


    Jag diggar din blogg riktigt mycket och tänkte länka. Jag hoppas att det är ok. Jag var också på Kent förra året. Vilken upplevelse. AMAZING =)

    Ha det gott och trevlig helg =)

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Could've got a warming coffe when shooting at Chalmers,
    those two buildings are right outside my windows/balcony!

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