a beginner's photo diary

22 Jan 2006

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My grandmother turned 93 (!) the other day, so today we went to visit her with my parents and sister.

Looking at old pictures. It is amazing how much has happened during the 93 years of my grandmother's life. She has seen two World Wars and the technological revolution. Hearing her talk of old days is wonderful, you can hardly imagine the way they lived back then! Just the fact that they were 14 kids in the family is extraordinary.

This old clock was bought by my great grandparents in America, probably in the 1890's. They had both emigrated to the US and that's where they met, but then they decided to come back to Sweden. "If this clock could talk", my grandmother says, "the things it would have to tell!". Apparantly my parents saw a clock with the same face and clock work when they were in Brazil a couple of months ago.

1 Responses to “22 Jan 2006”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    93 years means shez rich with helluva experience n my god - imagining what'll she has seen - thats awesome !
    the clock should have made you all nostagic i presume :P

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