a beginner's photo diary

24 May 2006

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I shot this a couple of weeks ago when passing a new glass building in the middle of an area of old buildings. Difficult to capture through the window, but I just loved the big family of dummies!

2 Responses to “24 May 2006”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Wow! I like how totally bizarre that looks...

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Very cool.
    My interpretation is that is sometimes hard to see who people really are and that reflections of what we see can be deceiving. Beneath it all the naked souls are so similar that we shouldn't waste so much energy trying to figure out others.

    That may be a little heavy but I woke up at 4am (the birds are chirping) and I've had a lot of coffee. I really like your photos.

    PS I watched Sweden struggle against Trinidad and Tobago..what the?

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