a beginner's photo diary

30 Apr 2006

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In Sweden, 30 April is Valborg, the day when we celebrate Spring. However, the weather usually varies quite a lot from year to year, more often being more chilly than you would like, because you always put on too little clothes... This year it was cold and raining. Despite the weather we went for a walk during the day to check out the celebrations.

First we passed by Chalmers to take a look at the building of this year's Cortège, since we would miss the actual procession in the evening.

We then passed by the University just in time to catch the procession towards Trädgårdsföreningen where the students greet Spring with choirs singing, orchestras playing and dancing. They looked cold...

The two-headed dragon from Filosofspexet. It liked my camera =)

In Trädgårdsföreningen it was still raining, but nevertheless a crowd had gathered. But the usual pic-nics were missing...

We finished off with some more choir music - my parents joined in a temporary choir gathering to sing Spring hymns. Quite a nice tradition, maybe I'll join next year.

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