a beginner's photo diary

25 Apr 2006

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I have finally managed to work through my pictures from SAMA on Good Friday.

Iris. Their gig at Arvikafestivalen 2 years ago was legendary - you would think they never had a crowd before the way they acted! This time it was good but not as special.

Das Ich somehow put on the best show I must say, despite computer problems that finally drove them off stage. Anx and I decided the singer was a mix of Gollum and a side kick in a Disney movie, like Pain and Panic.

Strasse once again. I guess the best stage I've seen them on but unfortunately the crowd was busy elsewhere.

At least I was having a good time!

Ken Sandin

De/Vision. Not quite my cup of tea.

Anx and I were doing some PR for one of her friends... A great night it was!

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