a beginner's photo diary

18 Mar 2006

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Thinking it would be a nice, sunny and warm(ish) day, we went out for a long walk with our cameras. I put on much too little clothes, since it turned out not to be sunny and nice at all, but rather windy and cold... So I was mostly complaining about how cold I was, and not even the hot chocolate would warm me.

At least I got a few ok pictures, like this barrel lying in the water. Btw, you've seen pictures from the same path before. It is one of our favourite spots.

I also caught a little sparrow trying to hide in the bush. He made a lot of noice for someone so small!

And, once again, marvelling over the super macro function of my camera. Can't wait to use this on the summer flowers!

1 Responses to “18 Mar 2006”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Kul att du börjar experimentera med kameran. Du har ju en expert som lärare där hemma. Macrot är ju toknära!

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