a beginner's photo diary

27 Dec 2005

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We spent a few days between the Holidays in Drevdagen with G's family. This day we had the most wonderful weather, so we went out for 2.5 hours taking pictures - in -20 C! But the good thing about the cold up there is that as long as you put on tonnes of clothes, and don't stand still for too long, it isn't really that bad! But of course, when it gets even lower than -20 you try not to stick your nose outside the door more than necessary...

In spite of the cold, the water was open where the lake turns into a creek. The steam made it look as if it was boiling hot, but I wouldn't fancy a swim in it, that's for sure!

The sun barely rises over the tree tops this time of year, so you cast an incredibly long shadow. I even thought we looked like the Incredibles! =)

The nature around this village is bloody amazing - just look at this view!

Click to enlarge!

1 Responses to “27 Dec 2005”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    whenever i see super long shadows like this, it reminds me of the dishwalla song . . .

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