a beginner's photo diary

7 Okt 2005

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When the meeting had finished on Friday, M and I went sightseeing again with some of our colleagues.

M from Holland found herself some nice looking ice cream! I wish I would've had some too..

Bus sightseeing tour! A quick way of getting to know the essentials of the city, but to be honest I ended up with a lot of pictures of things that I can't remember what they are... They won't all go here, so if there isanything else you'd like to see of Lisbon, check out the links on this page.

M and I enjoying ourselves on the windy top of the bus. It got too cold for most people after a while though (but I endured; the things you do for good photos!).

This picture turned out fantastic (although I guess it's really just out of focus)! This is the big aqueduct that was the only historical building to survive the 1755 Lisbon earthquake

Some church I forgot the name of... But it looks good though!

Going up the beatuiful Escalada do Duque.

Later M and I hooked up with the rest of the Scandinavians. We had so much fun; I can't remember the last time I laughed as much! It probably had nothing to do with those drinks A insisted on buying us before we had dinner...

We had dinner in a very cosy and genuine restaurant. Lots of good wine, and the food was ok too! ;-)

M and J (Norway)

My Norwegian friend A! (don't worry, he just got married and has kids too!)

1 Responses to “7 Okt 2005”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Tycker att fotot från bussen är lysande, problemet är att du oftast lyckas få bra kort utan att veta om hur du gjorde :) Men det är skönt att det lyckas ibland, de andra korten är bra de med. Fast ännu roligare om man själv var med på resan :(

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